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Home Events Sassy Salon: What Fresh Hell Is This? (A Variety Show)

Sassy Salon: What Fresh Hell Is This? (A Variety Show)

You’re cordially invited to the Sassy Salon, a variety show of epically sassy proportions.

Each month on the third Thursday, we feature dancers, clowns, storytellers, comedians, poets, actors, musicians, and more on the Clark Cabaret stage, from 7:30-9:30 pm. The evening begins with a lineup of performers in a variety show, and ends with an open mic, where audience members can sign up to perform just about anything they’d like. The whole evening is hosted by Baba Yana, your favorite Soviet Jewish Grandma Clown.

Join us for our first installment on Thursday, July 21 7:30-9:30 pm, “What Fresh Hell Is This”, where our performers will investigate firsts: first times, first mistakes, first surprises, first embarrassments, first failures, and more!

Your Host: Baba Yana the Soviet Jewish Grandma Clown

If you’d like to perform in this or a future iteration of Sassy Salon, please fill out this Google Form. Performers will be notified via email at least two weeks before a show.

Please be sure to refer to our up-to-date COVID-19 policy.


Jul 21 2022


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm




The Clark Cabaret
4545 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92116
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