Diversionary Theatre Announces their Anti-Racism Action Plan
Diversionary Theatre announces their Anti-Racism Action plan as a response to the We See You White American Theatre and the Black Lives Matter movements.
Listen To AmeriQueer
The AmeriQueer Series is a collection of plays presented as audiocasts exploring the LGBTQ experience within the framework of the American identity as a framework for the 2020 elec
Diversionary Theatre Announces AmeriQueer Series of AudioCast Plays Featuring George Takei and More
The AmeriQueer Series streaming online as an audiocast and featuring a program of new plays never before performed in San Diego.
Diversionary Theatre Announces New Membership Model for the 2020/21 Season
For their historic 35th season, and in response to the flexibility required by the ongoing challenges presented to the Performing Arts by the COVID-19 pandemic, Diversionary Theatr
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